Centers Plan for Medicaid Advantage Plus (HMO D-SNP)
Welcome to Centers Plan for Medicaid Advantage Plus (HMO D-SNP)!
Centers Plan for Medicaid Advantage Plus brings your Medicare benefits, Medicaid benefits, and long-term care services together under one plan. This plan was designed for people with Medicare and full Medicaid who are age 18 or older, and need, or are expected to need, more than 120 days of community-based long-term care services. Centers Plan for Medicaid Advantage Plus allows you to remain in your home and community, receiving the services you need to maintain your health and safety.
As a member, you will be assigned a Nurse Care Manager who is a licensed professional who will work with you to help you:
- Manage your medical and long-term care needs;
- Work with your primary care physician to obtain needed services:
- Identify your goals;
- Create a plan of care to achieve those goals; and
- Help coordinate all your health services.
Centers Plan recognizes that the more information we provide, the better informed you, your family and your physicians will be to make the right decisions regarding your healthcare. This member section is designed to provide you with easy to use, searchable information that others have found helpful, as they plan for years of healthy living!
This information is available for free in other languages. Please call Member Services at 1-833-274-5627, TTY users please call 711, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM seven days a week.
Esta información puede estar disponible en diferentes idiomas o formatos. Favor de llamar al 1-833-274-5627 (TTY 711) de 8:00 a.m. a 8:00 p.m., 7 días a la semana. Si necesita obtener información en otro formato o idioma, comuníquese con el Servicio de Atención al Cliente al número mencionado anteriormente.

MAP Frequently Asked Questions

MAP Eligibility Requirements / Plan Highlights 2025

MAP Materials 2025

MAP Important Member Forms
Important Member Forms
Member Reimbursement Form (last updated 10/2023)
How to Appoint a Representative - Last updated 03/07/19
In the event that you need to appoint a representative regarding a grievance, request a coverage determination or an appeal, or to make complaints, the following form is also available on the Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) website below:
CMS1696: Appointment of Representative | CMS
CMS Appointment of Representative Form – Last updated 11/2024
CMS Appointment of Representative Form_Spanish - Last updated 11/2024
CMS Appointment of Representative Form_Large Print - Last updated 11/2024
CMS Appointment of Representative Form Large Print Spanish - Last updated 11/2024
CMS Electronic Complaint Form – Last updated 11/19/2014
Best Available Evidence (BAE) – Last updated 11/19/2014
NYS Standard Form to Designate a Representative

MAP Grievances & Appeals

Prescription Drugs Search Tools
For Prospective Members: Drug Pricing & Pharmacy Search Tool
Drug Pricing quotes do not take into account Low Income Subsidy level. If you qualify for Low Income Subsidy, your actual prescription drug copay may be less.
For Current Members: Prescription Drugs Member Portal – Real Time Benefits Tool
Register for the Member Portal to have access to personalized drug pricing, savings suggestions & calculator, pharmacy network search, drug side effects information, pill identifier, drug-drug interactions check, your prior authorizations and drug claims history, Medicare prescription payment plan portal, tax reports and more
For any pharmacy-related and medication-related benefit questions or to request a prior authorization or a coverage determination, call toll-free 1-888-807-5717 (TTY users call 711) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or email:

Medication Therapy Management (MTM)
If you have complex health needs, you may be able to participate in a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program. MTM is a service offered by Centers Plan for Healthy Living at no additional cost to you! This program helps you and your doctor make sure that your medications are working well. It also helps us identify and reduce possible medication problems. To find out more please click here.
Personalized Medication List - English
Personalized Medication List – Spanish
For any pharmacy-related and medication-related benefit questions or to request a prior authorization or a coverage determination, call toll-free 1-888-807-5717 (TTY users call 711) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or email:

Prescription Drugs Benefits Overview
Prescription Drugs Benefits Overview
Prescription Drugs Member Portal – Real Time Benefits Tool
Part D Coverage Determination Form
Request for Redetermination of Medicare Prescription Drug Denial form
Prescription Drug Transition Policy
Prescription Drug Reimbursement Claim Form
For any pharmacy-related and medication-related benefit questions or to request a prior authorization or a coverage determination, call toll-free 1-888-807-5717 (TTY users call 711) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or email:

MAP Service Authorizations

MAP Service Areas
Centers Plan for Medicaid Advantage Plus (HMO D-SNP) serves the following 7 counties in New York State:
- Bronx
- Erie*
- Kings (Brooklyn)
- Nassau
- New York (Manhattan)
- Niagara*
- Queens
- Richmond (Staten Island)
- Rockland
- Suffolk*
- Westchester*

MAP Care Management Services

Rights and Responsibilities Upon Disenrollment
For information on your and Centers Plans’ rights and responsibilities upon your disenrollment from our plan, please see Chapter 9 of the Evidence of Coverage (EOC).

MAP Contact Us
By phone (toll free): 1-833-274-5627
Seven days a week, 8AM-8PM
TTY/TDD users (toll free): 711
By email:
By mail:
Centers Plan for Health Living
c/o MAP
75 Vanderbilt Ave
Staten Island, NY 10304
If you have an urgent concern,you can contact us 24 hours a day,7 days a week at 1-833-274-5627